Creative Collaboration

When we create, the process is ALWAYS a collaboration. The inspiration, motivation and the actual manifestation is all a collaborative process; even if we are in total seclusion.  

Our experiences that generate the ideas and action, the materials we use, the sharing of the final product. Every step is part of a collaboration of our outside world and our inside world. We all possess creative potential and the ability to manifest(a drawing, a book, a blog, a garden, a meal etc.). There is always the possibility.... 

When we get out of our own way.  

When we define and re-define the limits we set on our experiences.

Journaling, drumming, painting and dancing are ways that I choose to constantly re-define the boundaries that I call, My Life.

These boundaries help us function in a world that has limitless possibilities... For most humans, our minds can not Wrap around the idea of limitless.... Of course there's a limit to what I can do! Or is there?

Time is a limiting factor: only 24hrs in a day!  

Space is a limiting factor: only so much room where I can create, build, dance, ect.. 

Social acceptance is a factor: what would people think? I'm off my rocker!  

Resources are the biggest limit we set on ourselves: not enough money, no support from others, no one to teach me, no one to partner with that thinks like I do....






Move through the boundaries that are in our mind and feel your way through each step

write thoughts

move color

dig in the earth

connect with the rhythm

feel the body awaken and move to music

Journal entry fall 2015

Journal entry fall 2015

Julia Cameron's The Artists Way is a great starting point for awakening to change and creating foundations for expression.  

This is my journal entry from last year. I create programs that inspire others (and myself) to express without boundaries. And if I don't practice daily self care, I feel disconnected(the illusion created by the mind) and I eventually STOP manifesting through awareness.... Instead, I create with the thoughts I am thinking- foggy and detatched collaborations. Detours from what the authentic self wants to attract! 

If we allow the doubt, fear, resistance or "old tapes" to continue tell us that these creative moments are a waste!....

THAT IS THE TRUE WASTE: Unused creative potential.  

 The Stanley Kunitz quote in this image says it beautifully and I feel this powerful message when I write my dark thoughts and  see the limited beliefs pouring into the page... And let go!

Then I feel the gratitude for the gift of creative living. 

Thanks for reading my Creative Love Notes<3 I hope to inspire with my babbling thoughts


Can we learn creativity?


Training to be Creative or Crazy?...