Can we learn creativity?

After almost 2 decades of teaching art outside the box…

I know this is possible!

So I’ve done a little research on the topic.

You may find this interesting…

Teen art class painting pic.jpeg

Definition of Creativity: cre·a·tiv·i·ty /ˌkrēāˈtivədē/ noun:

The use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

Can Creativity be Taught?

Yes! The article below creates a clear picture about how creativity can be taught. Through self reflection, through experiential activities, and by creating community of like minded people.

Is an art class the most obvious place for cultivating community and innovation? Absolutely! Read the article below and see if you agree…

Teaching Creativity at IBM

From a post by August Turak on

Every great leader is a creative leader. If creativity can be taught how is it done?

In 1956, Louis R. Mobley realized that IBM’s success depended on teaching executives to think creatively rather than teaching them how to read financial reports.  As a result, the IBM Executive School was built around these six insights.

First, traditional teaching methodologies like reading, lecturing, testing, and memorization are worse than useless.  They are actually the counter-productive way in which boxes get built.  Most education focuses on providing answers in a linear step by step way. Mobley realized that asking radically different questions in a non-linear way is the key to creativity.

Mobley’s second discovery is that becoming creative is an unlearning rather than a learning process. [Did he know about George Land’s study above?] The goal of the IBM Executive School was not to add more assumptions but to upend existing assumptions. Designed as a “mind-blowing experience,” IBM executives were pummeled out of their comfort zone often in embarrassing, frustrating, even infuriating ways. Providing a humbling experience for hot shot executives with egos to match had its risks, but Mobley ran those risks to get that “Wow, I never thought of it that way before!” reaction that is the birth pang of creativity.

Third, Mobley realized that we don’t learn to be creative. We must become creative people.  A Marine recruit doesn’t learn to be a Marine by reading a manual. He becomes a Marine by undergoing the rigors of boot camp.  Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, he is transformed into a Marine. Mobley’s Executive School was a twelve-week experiential boot camp. Classes, lectures, and books were exchanged for riddles, simulations, and games. Like psychologists, Mobley and his staff were always dreaming up experiments where the “obvious” answer was never adequate.

Mobley’s fourth insight is that the fastest way to become creative is to hang around with creative people –regardless of how stupid they make us feel. An early experiment in controlled chaos, The IBM Executive School was an unsystematic, unstructured environment where most of the benefits accrued through peer to peer interaction much of it informal and off-line.

Fifth, Mobley discovered that creativity is highly correlated with self-knowledge.  It is impossible to overcome biases if we don’t know they are there, and Mobley’s school was designed to be one big mirror.

Finally and perhaps most importantly, Mobley gave his students permission to be wrong.  Every great idea grows from the potting soil of hundreds of bad ones, and the single biggest reason why most of us never live up to our creative potential is from fear of making a fool out of ourselves.  For Mobley, there were no bad ideas or wrong ideas only building blocks for even better ideas.

—Read the full article by August Turak at


Creativity is Powerful


Creative Collaboration